Aortic Stenosis Detected by HART, but Normal ECG
March 6, 2023
A symptomatic female patient of 72 years, 152cm, 76kg, was recorded with CHART in primary care because cardiovascular disease is suspected by symptoms.
CHART Report Interpretation
Risk Assessment
• 72 year, BMI = 33kg/m2, normal blood pressure 125/80
• No alcohol, no smoke, no allergies,
• take more medications.
HART-Findings and HF prediction
Abnormal HART summary:
• Abnormal AV stenosis,
• Mild diastolic dysfunction,
• and mild AV insufficiency.
HF prediction:
• Estimated LVEF = 66%
• Consider HFpEF
• Consider BNP test to confirm HF
ECG is normal. Sometimes valve diseases do not cause any abnormality in ECG.
PCG is abnormal because of a holo-systolic murmur, which indicates aortic-mitral stenosis.
MCG systolic time intervals are normal, which indicates normal systolic function.
Typically ECG and STI methods were blind for valve diseases without significant systolic dysfunction.
Decision Support
CHART decision support outcome: Send this patient to cardiology for further diagnosis and treatment with routine priority.
Echocardiographic Results
Combined aortic-mitral defect with moderate aortic stenosis (AVpV=3.5m/s) and thickened posterior mitral leaflet.
Borderline concentric LV hypertrophy (IVSd=11mm, PWd=10mm, LVMI=110g/m2).
Preserved LV systolic (LVEF=69%) with mild diastolic dysfunction of impaired relaxation (E/A=0.85).
Other parameters: LAVI=14 ml/m2, RAVI=18ml/m2, RVSP = 20mmHg
The patient has HFpEF and should refer to cardiology from primary care.
The patient has HF symptoms due to an aortic valve defect.
The correct type of HF prediction by CHART.
Correct LVEF estimation by CHART.
The prediction of valve diseases and diastolic dysfunction are correct, confirmed by ECHO.
The borderline LVH could not be detected by ECG or CHART bio-signals for this patient.