The Live Heart Test Clinic at CADECI 2020
February 21, 2020
Guadalajara, Mexico
Cardio-Phoenix Inc. used the opportunity at CADECI 2020 to represent how their, breakthrough heart diagnostic device - Cardio-HART™, can contribute to Mexico’s Primary Care and to the whole world.
CADECI 2020 was a chance for those who applied to find out their heart state, and if needed, do something about it.
On the first day at CADECI Congress 2020 - first impressions for the unbelieving
Attendees were given a chance to win a free heart examination from the Cardio-HART diagnostic system.
First day at CADECI 2020, what a significant day it was. For many of them, it was an opportunity to realize in what danger they were. Winners were lining up to get check up on their hearts state.
There were many incredible reactions. After some participants saw their results after testing with Cardio-HART it was followed up with a comment from one of them: “Oh, I suspected something was wrong, but not this, I really need to get myself checked out”.
Doctors in Primary Care vs. Cardiology
The person with the comment mentioned above was Chief of Cardiology for a local hospital in Guadalajara. Doctors, aren’t they always the most reluctant patients? Test results were showing the true state of heart, so the evidence was clear. Point is that in a 15 min of testing, Doctor knew his cardiac status, and it wasn't showing any good.
Shortly thereafter, a GP, nervous and anxious entered as it was his turn to test himself. The results were shocking, but not unexpected. His results were telling that he immediately has to go to the Cardiologist for further examination. GP had suspected for some time he might have a heart problem but his ECG was not showing him enough, therefore he didn’t attach much importance to it. And, being a GP, he was afraid to go to the Cardiologist and be wrong. What if he didn't have a problem as per ECG despite his doubts? How would he be perceived?
Upon receiving his results, he said: “Now I have the confirmation that I needed. I will go see a cardiologist right away. This device is amazing. Can you sell me one right now for my clinic?”
The day continued. Results of testings were ranging from "Go to Cardiologist immediately" to "do nothing".
So far, we are shocked by how unhealthy Cardiologists are as a group. We’ve had many different results. From “being under Watch 3 or 6 months”, a to a few “12’s”, 1 to “immediate further examination”, and 5 “routine” out of 17 persons tested. This is incredible.
Doubts are confirmed
This event just showed what was supposed. It confirmed our doubts. One thing is certain, Mexico needs this product. Every general practitioner and cardiologist, with no exception, agreed that this is one product that they all need.
A brief reminder
CHART combines two scientific breakthroughs; first, it includes innovative new bio-signals that are indicative of the heart's physiology; and second, it uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to turn any family doctor, or GP, into a heart diagnostic pro. CHART was made to be super easy to use in any clinical setting, and tests can be done by a nurse with little training, making it easy to deploy and use anywhere, and everywhere in Mexico where there is an internet connection.