CADECI 2020 day 3: CHART speaks for itself
February 24, 2020
On the third day the Cardio-Phoenix.Inc was still exclusively showcasing a breakthrough cardiac diagnostic device at the primary care level within the framework of the CADECI congress. The aim was to revolutionize the medical practice, not only of cardiologists but of all first-contact specialists for the early care of the heart. The CHART device has Artificial Intelligence (AI) that helps turn any family doctor or family doctor into a heart diagnosis professional.
When the third day has arisen, some other lucky visitors at CADECI were patiently waiting for their turn to get tested with Cardio-HART.
Cardiologist’s quotes say it all
Cardio-Phoenix’s Cardio-HART™ or CHART, is an AI-powered heart diagnosis device that can detect 94% of all common heart diseases, for use in Primary Care.
As visitors at the live clinics were mainly cardiologists, many of them are incredulous with respect to the claims we make of our device. At one point, a friendly comment broke out: “It’s impossible, you cannot do that, you can only do that with echo”. Another cardiologist stayed stunned when he sees the recommendation referral for seeing the cardiologist. The result clearly stated: “Send/don’t’ send” with 3 priority options, routine, immediate, urgent. “That’s incredible,” he said, with this, I know who which patients I need to see first. Below it, the decision tree graphic showing how the decision came to be.
Another cardiologist heard about Cardio-Phoenix.Inc and their live clinic from colleagues. The word was going around, clearly, he wanted an appointment too. We are sharing a quote from a tested cardiologist because there is no better way to say it: “With this, you will be able to see patients I should see, this will increase my practice! "Amazing!". One wonderful and knowledgeable atmosphere rules the Cardio-Phoenix live clinic. Nothing but smiles all around, and the shacking of the head in astonishment.
The word, “Incredible”, to our delight was often withdrawn through whispers at the live clinic.
Impeccable feedback
A GP, a director of many GP clinics in the Guadalajara region shared her opinion by saying: “Finally, there is a device that will really make a change in Primary Care. Obviously, it came from someone who really understands the problem.”
Medical students were also one of the lucky ones and got free tests. Young male, 19 years old, found out he suffers from abnormal rhythm. His Poincare plot revealing a source of concern. His friend, who is an athlete sees an RV enlargement. Looking at her results she commented: “This never showed up when I went to see my doctor a few weeks ago”. In cases like this CHART shows its powers. By using only an ECG in Primary Care, GPs will never detect true heart state, until, it might be too late.
There are no rules. The old man (83) came after them to get tested and his results were looking like a green board. Impressive, especially when compared with youngsters. At least now he knows he won’t be dying of heart disease any time soon.
One of the doctors was so impressed, by her exam yesterday, that she brought her parents to be tested. Dad was a green board. Mom not so lucky.
Cooperation for better Mexico’s Primary Care
Maybe it should not be a surprise that, at the end of the third day, it came to point when it’s needed to start thinking on a higher level. As pharmaceutical companies approached, one by one, to discuss possible partnership plenty of new questions has arisen. Being aware that with this unique device they can significantly improve primary care in Mexico, maybe it’s time to adjust future steps.