AI for the heart
November 19, 2019
Intelligent Health is a global summit focused purely on AI in Healthcare which brings together 2000 clinicians, technologists and executives creating a future where AI will revolutionize health. Therefore, on September 2019, Cardio Phoenix had the opportunity to present their heart diagnostic device “CHART” at the Startup Showcase where CEO Marc Bisnaire share with VC´s and professionals in healthcare the current situation with heart diseases worldwide and the urgent need to cover the high demand of it and the aging population. In addition, combined with the burden of higher costs and affordability, doctors are doubly reluctant to refer many patients to cardiology – until they are absolutely certain. After explaining how CHART will help Primary Care Physicians, how it will enable Telemedicine, Cost-Efficiencies and results with the impact it will have on the market, he caught the attention of the audience including one Swiss Doctor who is part of a major Swiss Pharmaceutical company.
The Swiss Doctor who had the opportunity to meet CEO Marc Bisnaire, mentioned that CHART was the perfect solution to Mexico´s biggest health issue “heart diseases”. The reason of this comment is because he shared that in a recent study held in Mexico City, involving the major healthcare organizations. The purpose of it was to determine why its expensive heart drugs were not being prescribed more often in Cardiology. Him and his team were sent over to find out why?
Although the purpose of the study was focused on Cardiology as the likely source of the “lack of sales”, the study soon discovered, to their shock that the problem had its origins in Primary Care, where patients made first- contact with the healthcare system.
And Heart Disease is hard to start with. Complex and often subtle symptoms, not overtly visible makes it a challenge to identify, which in turn makes it a challenge to refer the patient to cardiology. Without technological assistance, there is great uncertainty so referring a patient to cardiology, is hard!
Combined with the burden of higher costs and affordability, doctors are doubly reluctant to refer many patients to cardiology – until they are absolutely certain.
The Cardiologist who did the Swiss Pharma study, recognized that CHART was the solution to their drug sales, because patients would be identified in the front-lines and referred to Cardiology. Everybody wins! They then checked the patients, and realized that the number of patients being seen in cardiology were low.
After years in the making, being at the Intelligent Health and capturing the attention of Health Care professionals who recognized the positive impact and benefit CHART will bring to the market, demonstrates Cardio-Phoenix Inc. relentless commitment to implementing its vision of creating the most clinically effective and technologically innovative heart dysfunction detection and diagnostic solution, particularly for use in Primary Care.